Simplify your message, grow your business
Communicate clearly | Supercharge sales | Build a more valuable brand
The best companies connect in a few words

The rest struggle

Together, we'll fix that
Communicate clearly
Deliver the simple story customers crave. Our tested structure channels creativity and unites your team to ensure success.
Supercharge sales
Clear stories sell. The Message Matrix aligns sales and marketing, powers compelling content and guides the buyer's journey.
Build a more valuable brand
Message drives more than just revenue. Use your story to attract talent, punch up publicity and lift valuation.
Jeffrey Pease is the Wizard of Messaging.
Fred Studer
Chief Marketing Officer, Tibco
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Meet Jeffrey
Jeffrey Pease is the one on the left.

He has led hundreds of messaging engagements for Fortune 100 companies and startups throughout the world.

During twenty years of technology marketing, Jeffrey served as Chief Marketing Officer of Medidata and AvePoint and Vice President at Oracle, where he founded the company's messaging team.

After dropping out of high school, Jeffrey ultimately earned BA and MBA degrees from Cornell University. In his spare time, he is an award-winning songwriter — which he credits for bringing structured creativity to his marketing work.

Title of the form
Put here some fields of the form and tell a client how to fill them if he wants to make an order or contact with you
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